Sunday, April 29, 2007

(By skywatcher101)

Each life’s canvas starts so new,

unmarred, a potential masterpiece.
Parents sketch the background,
friends contribute varied elements.
Each stroke adds intricate detail.
Yet, it is we who determine the result
based on our willful choices.

At times choosing wisely,
we cause the canvas to come alive
with colours bright, warm and attractive.
At times, we load our brush with darkness from sin’s palette,
distorting the original intent, marring beauty.
Then, hung on exhibit for critics to rail against,
shaking their heads and wagging tongues of gossip,
we are filled with deep regret and remorse.
In agonizing despair we cry aloud, wishing
to destroy what we have produced,
smash it, shred it, rip it into tiny pieces, bury the remnants,
hoping eyes will never see it again.

The Curator of life’s gallery hears the artist’s lament.
Seeing the damage, the Master too
weeps over the needless destruction. Then, only upon invitation,
He slowly moves in and begins to add new strokes.
Strokes that initially make little sense mixed in with the mess.
Over time, a new image begins to emerge. An increasingly
more beautiful, more radiant image. Recreated in the likeness
of His Son, love’s light emanates more brightly than ever.
Fascinated gazers stand in awed silence, amazed,
wondering why their dull canvases have not become
spectacular works of art such as this priceless treasure.

Author's Comment:
No damage is beyond the Master's repair.

Dedicated to those who know the feel of His brush against your canvas.

(By skywatcher101)

A tiny choir with feathered wing,

daily, they, to their Maker sing.
Each beat of heart, so filled with song,
their praises raising all day long.

They worry not for dress or feed,
depend on Him for every need.
On Heart of Love they do rely,
resting under His watchful eye.

When winged one falls, He forgets not.
Such love! Through these, the Savior taught
of greater worth to Him are we,
yet, often filled with fear we be.

What harm can touch one in His care?
Safety, shelter, sustenance there
provided free, for us so weak,
if we His kingdom only seek.

Author's Comment: Based on Luke 12 and personal observation of these winged wonders.